Well, with the old vivs re-furbished and the new vivs having been installed, I've decided to combine the following three threads together -


All future snakey updates of the general photographic type will happen on this thread.

I've got a few posts worth of pictures so bear with me as I start this. The crowing glory will be the two new additions I collected on Sunday.

Anyhows ... so it begins:

Re-furbed older enclosures, more vegetation still to be added.

Top viv, Everglades ratsnake male. Bottom viv, male group 1 Florida blue sirtalis + checkered.

Top viv, male group 2 red-sided + red-spotted + plains. Bottom viv, Everglades ratsnake female.

Old and new side by side.

Top viv, Florida blue females. Bottom viv, red-sided + Gulf coast ribbon.

Top viv, red-spotted females. Bottom viv, currently empty.