I am getting 2 radixes and an albino red-sided. The radixes, a female and a male are both 2 years old. The albino is a baby...just a couple of months old. The female radix is going to be a roomie for my female eastern, Cee Cee...the male radix is going to be a roomie for my male eastern, Seeley, and the albino red-sided, a male, will go in with my other two albinos. I will give them all a brief quarantine period out of respect for Steve...because Steve always follows strict quarantine protocol with garters...with CB snakes, when I know the breeder, I only do a brief quarantine. With WC snakes, snakes from stores, or snakes from unknown breeders, I always recommend a 60-90 day strict quarantine. When I found Cee Cee...I quarantined her from my other snake for 3 months.