Quote Originally Posted by Dan72 View Post
Out of the six how many males/females? If the plan is to put the males back to the mother, would females when they're ready go back to the father, or is this never done and there will just be new plans for the girls? I know a good looking snake when I see one but getting a grip on how all this breeding and genetics stuff works is going to take some homework.
The problem with breeding a daughter back to the father is that they are snakes. Females take longer to mature sexually, and even longer to become big enough to become ideal size for gestating a litter. In the mean time, the father is getting old and larger. When breeding snakes you should choose a male that is smaller (or about same size) than the female so breeding daughter to father just isn't feasible. A male offspring will be ready to breed in about 2 years. Since you have his mother who is larger than him and a proven breeder, the choice is logical. you breed her to her young and smaller son. Trying to breed a small female that has only just matured, to a much larger male is rarely, if ever, successful.