This is my first garter, one rescued Eastern. No idea of age, she is a wild caught that had the end of her tail taken off and was in a reptile rescue until healed. The guy was going to release her back into the wild but knew I was looking for a Eastern, so taaa daaaah meet Zena.

Her body is far from perfect, she has lots of scares and like I said the end of her tail is gone but she is so sweet. She has not tried to bit or even attempted to strike at me. She has not musked or eliminated on me. She ate a worm right from my fingers, 2 actually. She paces back and forth and wants out, but my hope is this will stop once she realizes that she is in a safe place with endless food, fresh water & lots of love. She is my Zena.
Zena 4-28-12b.jpg