I meant to get this on here weeks ago but as you know my mind has been else where. When visiting the vet the other day with our big, beautiful radix girl Adora belle, I think I may have converted a boa fan to the ways of thamnophis. Our surgery encourages handling rather than just leaving your snake in a box as it makes for a calmer happy little squiggler. I got Adora out and this guy said "Thats not a corn, it's a good looking little snake. What is that?" I told him. He confessed knowing nothing about garters other than being led to believe they are beginners snakes and not really for the serious hobbist. I asked him what his boas did all day. He told me they did very little. They eat once a week then pretty much sit there. I told him about the constant activity we all see in our vivs, how every snake has a personality and how even a big meal can't slow them down. He was genuinely interested,got some paper and a pen and took down some info including basic viv set up and said it would make a nice change to have an interesting animal! God I'm good!!

My mission is to spread the love of our little friends all over the UK one unsuspecting indivdual at a time!!