Okay, so I'm a creature of habit. I set my keys in the same spot everyday, the remote to the tv has to be on the coffee table, I could go on (no I'm not OCD). But when it comes to our friends do they care if we mix it up on them? I'll be setting up my garters home for the first time ever, and does that mean that the water dish, hide, etc always have to be set in the same spot every time I clean the setup? Is variety the spice of life or do I keep it the same? Is the cool side hot side always the same side or can that change? I know they are curious. They check out their surrondings so maybe switching it up on them gives them something new to explore or is a change every time to much stress? (Maybe not EVERY time, but when the mood strikes). Oh, and substrate, pick one and stick to it. Can that change? Thanks!