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  1. #11
    Subadult snake InsanePirateDragon's Avatar
    Join Date
    Aug 2011
    Somewhere you never heard of in Kansas
    Country: United States

    Talking Re: Snake MIA: Escaped what to do.

    Who hoo! Marley's been found! No more slightly freaking out anymore.

    Was checking behind some canvases and saw her kink tail disappear behind a stack of notebooks and I was able to catch the little Houdini from behind there.

    I think I already figured out how she escaped in the first place. When I was changing out the water I didn't get the lid closed all the way and part of one of the branches caught in the grove and allowed enough space for her to get out. Some shifting branches around should take care of that when I clean her cage in the morning. RIght now she just has little plants and her hide at the moment.

    So whats the equilaient of a snake being grounded for giving her Momma such a scare.

    And she was found behind the desk, which was where her tank was so I got lucky.
    Last edited by InsanePirateDragon; 03-25-2012 at 01:25 AM.
    2.0.0 T. s. parietalis (Marley and Sully)
    One Ornate Box Turtle
    And one grumpy bitey Leopard Gecko

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