March in Iowa is usually a cold/snowy month. This year March as been very warm and dry. I still think Winter isn't done but the forecast for at least the week ahead shows no signs of Winter returning. I have seen male and female radixes out so I guess breeding must be taking place.
That's a month earlier then normal. That means babies are going to be born earlier. I'm guessing this is a good thing since they are usually born in the heat of the Summer. This may give more of them a chance to make it and give the babies an extra month to grow before brumation.
I hope that if Winter does return it won't kill off many of the snakes that have left their dens.
If the weather does change I will be watching for any wayward snakes that need a room until the weather warms up again.
I would like to hear some other thoughts on the possible problems or benefits to an early breeding season.