I have a ~6 year old checkered garter snake, Steavy. Roughly 2 months ago out of the blue, I heard a very strange and alarming noise come from him. I have witnessed him do it in front of me several times. What happens is that, first, he will expand/ puff up very big in his mid section, and he will open his mouth very wide, and lastly, make a sound. This noise is hard to explain, but it is kinda of like a squirting noise, kind of like a juicy fart (I know that sounds strange lol) almost like air is being forced out of him, then after he is finished, he breathes very fast like he was startled. It is so loud that it wakes me up and night. 95% of the time he makes these noises at night, probably 1-4 times a day, varying. Also, he was recently diagnosed with a RI infection by my vet, which told me I have caught it early. I also told her about the weird noise, but she didn't say anything. I've been giving him oral meds (baytril) for 2 weeks. He seems the same, but I just don't know what to do, I have no clue what this noise is and it's driving me crazy, well thank you for reading this.