Quote Originally Posted by kimbosaur View Post
That's too cool! I once found a falcon with an injured wing at a local park. I called our humane society (they deal with wildlife too) and they basically told me to kill it. I ended up bringing it into an organization that helps injured wildlife and they told me they'd contact me when they release it so I can take part. I never heard from them and suspect they just put it down.

On another note, it is nice to be able to put faces to names.
Sorry to hear about your experience Kim, Most Vets and rescue centres don't have much idea when it come to Raptors. Finding a good Raptor vet that you can trust is hard. Most injured Raptors don't usually make it back into the wild. They have to be 110% fit or their chances of survival are slim. Unfortunately you can't keep them all and a line has to be drawn. Sad but true. :-(
On another note - Thankyou! I am very passionate about Falconry but this isn't the place to discuss it, there are other forums for that.