I am very concerned about Hermes and his sheds. He had another problem shed tonight. This one was really bad...I looked in his enclosure and it looked like it was flaking off everywhere instead of coming off the way sheds normally do...I noticed it was still around his eyes and mouth and that he was doing open mouth breathing to get air...so I quickly put him in a tub of warm water and started removing the shed by hand as fast as I could. The shed didn't want to come off properly, it was coming off in little bits and pieces. I finally got it off around his eyes...and I think I got everything off around his mouth...I think I got all of it off...he started breathing normally...but I'm worried about the stress of that whole experience...I just don't know...now I'm concerned because of what I had to put him through. I don't understand what in the world is going on with his shedding...all of the other snakes are shedding fine. His humidity was up around 40% and 50% the last couple of days. I have been misting...and I even put him in a little tub of water to swim for a minute last night. I don't know what is causing this.