My first post and this is my first time as keeper of the snake, or should I say slave to a snake since all he/she has to do is sit there and look pretty and I will wait on em’ hand and foot, literally. Today I stood there and hovered over the tank saying to myself, eat the worm, eat the worm, pleeeeease eat the worm, and TA-DAHHHH, it ate the worm. This made me the happiest person in the world. Okay, maybe that’s a little exaggerated, but just a little. I found this little one on Friday when we had a crazy warm day here in NC and this is the first time it ate. I’ve been trying worms every night, also guppies with no luck, but today a worm was consumed. I’ve also got some fresh tilapia and I’m hoping for the best. Some say feed every day, some say feed 3 times a week, so question one is. How often do I feed. Also I’m thinking the snake is to small for pinkies so until it grows I guess I’ll have to work with the worms and fish. I’ve been reading care sheets since Friday and a real concern at this point is telling the difference between earth worms and red wriggles. Is there a for sure way to tell?2-28-12a.jpg2-28-12.jpg