Quote Originally Posted by RedSidedSPR View Post
Thamnophis + Natrix = WTF

You really should raise your head and take a look around ..for more years than i can remember people have kept mixed collections, usually for the aesthetic value, apart from talented snake people it has been done by zoological parks and remains a common practice with them, and yes i know that there have been spectacular **** ups with some zoo's keeping for instance snakes that would prey on their cage mate if left a little too hungry but these are the exception ......if people are so purist then leave the snakes in the wild not contained in melamine or glass ...BUT if you are prepared to dilute your purism just so you can keep these snakes in an unnatural captive state then please allow other people to dilute their purism to a state beyond yours without you being so judgmental

EDIT the above comments are about keeping the snakes together not of course breeding them