Yeah I need to be here more often but Miss Marley is coming along nicely and still pretty friendly and has had a remodel.

From when I first got her,

From this,

And she decided to give me a scare the other day which sent me into protective snake momma mode.

I picked her up and was handling her when I noticed a strange bulge and that she had bubbles coming out of her nose. And I went into panic mode (had trouble with eldery Leo so I tend to freak out about things sometimes).

I of course panicked and assumed the worst and turned up the heat and gave her a vapor treatment that I learned about, (live in rural area with the nearest herp vet a good drive away). Then thinking the worst, I took her in thinking I was a horrible snake owner for letting Marley get and RI.

Turns out she was perfectly fine... And decided that she needed to poop... A lot...

So now I'm out a little bit of money with a nice and healthy snake with no problems not so ever. *headdesk*