my <1y is also being stubborn so I may not be the best source of advice, but my strategy is to have her tank right next to my desk so she sees me all the time and gets used to how i move and smell gradually. i'm not going to try to handle her or offer food for a week. i've only been doing this since yesterday and it already seems to be paying off: she's been staying out on her branches all night and basking out in the open in the day. actually, when i saw her still in the same spot that i saw her in last night, i was worried she was dead. she's not she's been out so often that i have delusions that she's giving me the "food now" look. even if she is, too #@$& bad: she had her chance(s). two can play at this game.

she also let me remove her food dish from the day before without moving: i had to reach right over her and jostle the branches she was on to get to it, so that's huge to me. try setting your snake up uncovered wherever you go most and only mess with him to change water and clean. I even keep the amount of peering into her cage at her to a minimum.