I don't know...I used to keep my temps cooler and then when Cee Cee got sick, I started making them higher. I also started reading about temps and asking people what range they keep there temps at on warm and cool sides. It does depend on the species and the particular snake...but I think my snakes are happier and more active since I have been keeping the temps warmer in the enclosures. Mind you, they always have a gradient, so that they can go to the cool side...and I always have the thermostats set to kick the heat off if it goes above 90. But I find that they all seem to like it around 82 on the warm side during the day...the basking temp may be a bit warmer...but not over 90. Seeley even likes it warm at night...he likes to bask under the night lamp. Hermes also likes to come out and bask at night. Cee Cee goes to the cool side at night. Cee Cee and Seeley are very smart...if they get too warm, they go away from the warm side and into the middle of the tank or to the cool side. Hermes...I worry about a bit more, because he is so young. I don't use his heat pad much. I am afraid he might burrow down next to it...so I just use his lamp most of the time. The last couple of nights that it has been really cold, I added an extra lamp with a very low 25 watt black light bulb next to his red bulb...but he also has a thermostat set to kick off at 90.