I'm considering getting into breeding garters, so I was searching around for a supplier to provide safe feeder worms, including tiny worms for newborns. I found this fellow:

The species of worms he's recommending, and mainly producing, are Eudrilus eugeniae, African nightcrawlers, aka Tiger Worms, or super reds.

Since these are not an Eisenia species, and I've seen no negative reports on them, can anyone confirm that these are a good feeder species for garters and other reptiles? His prices are pretty good, just $40 shipped for a pound of baby worms, about 2 inch long babies.

The worms are kept at room temperature, and can't be refrigerated--very heat tolerant, they're good at 70 to 80F, so fine in most of our reptile rooms. They do need to be in the light at all times, or they will rise and escape, lol. Not challenging to take care of, though.

I wasn't overly thrilled by the idea of chopping up Canadian nightcrawlers and baby mice, so this seems like a pretty good alternative, if the garters will take these readily. (I don't mind adding a bit of vitamins).