i had a few quick questions about my Garter snake. it is hopefully a she, and she is about 8 months old. she is a bit over a foot long, and weighs about 6g. lately she has been off feed for a month, but over the past two weeks ate a pinky each week. recently i have noticed that she has had a few dark spots on her belly, and a dark ring around her vent. i was wondering if somebody would be able to help me identify what those could be and what i should do to remedy it. I posted a few pictures to help you guys, and the final two are of her and of the tank. BTW, she lives with a dekays snake, and that snake seems fine and feeds on nightcrawlers, which the garter gets as a treat sometimes. also there is a hamster cage near it if that might be a problem.
Thank you for all your help in advance-David
Also if anybody could help me identify if male or female, and how to post pictures, not just links
Tail from top
IMG_20120129_150146.jpg picture by DMilms - Photobucket
tail from side
IMG_20120129_150158.jpg picture by DMilms - Photobucket
spot on belly
IMG_20120129_150225.jpg picture by DMilms - Photobucket
side view of belly
IMG_20120129_150207.jpg picture by DMilms - Photobucket
IMG_20120129_150342.jpg picture by DMilms - Photobucket
IMG_20120129_150514.jpg picture by DMilms - Photobucket
btw, the garter got very mellow when it was 70 cold side, 82 hot spot, but when the entire tank goes from 75-82 with 88 hot spot, she is very active-wierd?
lastly, she has not shed in over two months