I've been raised to be very careful about salmonella because my mom had a particularly bad case of it as a child, though that was from food and not from handling a reptile. I also have had several lizards, and my mom always made me wash my hands after handling them. I almost always wash my hands after handling, though there have definitely been times when I haven't.

I might believe this is salmonella, except that i don't have chills or a fever and the abdominal pain didn't start until after I started dry-heaving last night - which, from my experience, tends to cause a lot of pain. I used to dry-heave a lot as a child; I remember the pain really well.

I'm pretty sure this is food related. I have a lot of issues with food and I've been developing an issue with what I ate last night. Unfortunately, I didn't really think about that. Usually I don't have a problem with Taco Bell, but I started having some sensitivity to their food while I was still in school. There's a really good chance that I just have to stop eating there now, and that their food was what caused it.