Hi Guys,

Today was a good day! Not only did I pick up my new 1.2 Thamnophis sirtalis tetrataenia and a further 1.2 Thamnophis radix, But I also had the great pleasure of meeting Gijs & Sabine and our very own LushLulu.

The surroundings were non too salubrious (a Cafe in the railway station in Hull), but the lively company more than compensated for the venue. We were also joined (albeit very briefly) by Alan Francis, who I had never met before. The stack of plastic containers on our table, housing a selection of beautiful Garters, drew a little attention but nothing too extreme. Our meeting confirmed what I already knew....our members are lovely, helpful, friendly people.

Lasting impressions..... Lulu swears a lot and grins like a Cheshire Cat. Sabine grows the most beautiful roses and has equally beautiful eyes. Gijs is too damn tall and made me look like an elf!

Left to right: LushLulu, adamanteus, Gijs and Sabine.