Hey Everyone,

My name is Nate and I'm in the market for a garter. I'm originally from eastern MI and grew up with the olive- and tan-colored easterns, so I'd like to find something a little more "exotic". I'm a huge fan of the eastern red-sideds and the melanistics. I have a great set-up all ready to go: big water bowl, live plants, branches, hides, basking rocks (not heat rocks) underneath my UVB bulb, etc. I also have a 23" repti-racks cube that I was going to use for an ATB on the way, but now it'll be set aside for when my garter grows into it. Basically, I have everything except the snake.... I'm getting the idea that spring is the time for babies, but I'd also be very happy with a juvie/2011 baby. Anyone know where I can find one? Thanks!