Hello everyone my name is Ian and i'm from the UK I aquired my first garter this weekend Thamnophis marcianus. Strictly speaking he was bought for my ten year old son, who has name the snake Rocky, I wanted to name him Pliskin but my son wasnt impressed, not being a big Kurt Russel fan and all. So Rocky it is. I will post photos of our newest family member when I get the chance. On a food related matter, and i'm sure this has been posted a lot, the store owner where we bought Rocky from sold us frozen fish to feed him, with the advice that it would be all we would need, with occasional earth worms. Having researched a little into the correct diet for the garter the recurring theme seems to be as little frozen fish as possible as the freezing causes thiaminase resulting in a lack of thiamin. The store is quite reputable and they do seem to know what they are talking about, I would appreciate a little advice from you guys.