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  1. #1
    "PM Boots For Custom Title" Jeff B's Avatar
    Join Date
    Feb 2009
    Country: United States made the top 40

    Did anyone see that made the top 40 forums, ranked at #33, in an article titled "Vitual Communities" in the latest issue of the magazine called Herp Nation Magazine? In addition ranked #1 in the Quality Index in the Snake Specific catagory; pretty impressive considering second was, 3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th, 7th, 8th, and 9th.
    The top 40 was based on thread count and post count.
    The Quality Index = quoting from the articles definition "is determined by dividing a virtual community's total posts by the number of threads. Thriving communities should have thriving conversations with multiple people joining in pleasant communication, discussion, and sometimes debate. This leads to long-running threads, relevant topics, and vast input." They went on to say that "a very high quality index could also indicate undertones of contentious behavior among it's membership, or it could simply indicate that the site hosts long running quality debates, you decide." There was no authorship sited or I would include that here, so I assume the editors were behind the article. had a score of 22.6 which was the highest quality index score among all groups, and believe me folks this is pretty impressive considering the big "heavy hitters" forums that was in company with in this evaluation, not to mention the sheer numbers of reptile related forums in existence today.
    I would say that overall this should be looked at as a great honor and recognition for everyone who participates in the community, it is a great big beautiful feather in our caps and you should all appluad yourselves. In addition all of us casual participants like myself, owe a "big thank you" to the people who actually do real work to keep this forum going, for the opportunity to come here and share information and fellowship. Cheers

    FYI-Herp Nation Magazine is a relatively new magazine that started up a little over a year ago, and I have subscribed since the inaugural issue and have very much enjoyed reading it. This magazine is less centered around "the hobby", and more focused on field herping, advanced herpetological husbandry and field research, and conservation. It only publishes 6 issues per year, but is quality first. I highly recommend it and to subscribe you can go to and follow the subscribe link.
    Last edited by Jeff B; 12-09-2011 at 08:54 PM.

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