Quote Originally Posted by Marnie831 View Post
You pull out the individual organs? How do you do that? I don't really see any organs...just blood and guts...
Make a cut just above the genitals, hook the knife or whatever you're using just up under the skin, and pull upward toward the head. The 'guts' will usually spill out all at once, and the liver, heart, spleen, and intestines almost always come out in-tact. I do this partly because I really do think that the organ meat is more nutritious, and also because I'm OCD, and the idea of just chopping something with no consideration to its organization kind of bothers me (yeah, I know, it's the opposite of most people's problems with it lol).
Also, since the baby doesn't usually eat a whole pinkie at a time, this leaves me with a whole body I can just hand-feed to the adult, which is a lot easier than trying to give him mush-leftovers which he just crawls through and trails across his cage..