Got a new Albino Checkered garter yesterday at our local pet store. He was the only Garter they had left, they did have a bunch of ribbon snakes but I was set on a "Garter" and not a ribbon(he cost a pretty penny more than the ribbions also :O)

My old corn of about 8 years passed away recently last week and we gave his 55 gal cage to the hermit crabs and I took their old cage to get a smaller snake. Without further ado:
Here he is last night:

His cage last night

Here is his cage as of about an hour ago, If anyone has any suggestions to improve on it I Would be more than happy to hear it. I know I need another hide on the cold side also since I only have that little coconut on the hot side, but the leaf pile over there should work for the moment.
You can see him around his coconut in these pictures I just took right now.

He is also very frightened and fidgety if I walk by him he freezes up and if I try to hand him he runs for dear life, is it just because he is not use to his new home right now? I know hes probably a little stressed most likely and needs to adjust. they recently had him on pinkies every friday for the last 5 weeks or so, So I will put a pinkie in his cage on a little plastic lid and see if he eats it, I'm tempted to try a feeding cage but may just do that later as I don't want to stress him out at dinner time, I know hes going to get tons of traffic on thanksgiving and probvably just stay in his coconut that night :P.