Hello! My name is Sarah E. I'm a 16 year old who happened to find a baby Garter snake in our garage. My cat was hunting something, and upon looking I saw the end of a snake tail. I caught it, and my mother let me keep it! Now I've been on a long journey (though I've only had him for two months) of breeding guppies to feed him, keeping earth worms, and researching.

I can not stand to feed him Pinkies, because he is so small, (about 8 inches long) I'd have to cut them up. *shivers* so I'm now feeding Feeder Guppies that I'm breeding. Sadly, right now all my guppies I need for breeding, and the store doesn't have any others in to feed him.... and the babies are less than a half inch big. I'm wondering what other types of fish I can feed him? I read you can feed them Silversides? I found some frozen Silvers that I'm going to be buying, at least so he can eat until my babies are big enough to actually feed him!

I also feed him pieces of live, Nightcrawlers which he loves! Is there any other type of food I can give him that isn't mice? Thanks!