I got Lucifer on August 16. Only way I found out she was a female is when she had a surprise litter of 20. Right now she is about 2ft 2in. She is kind of in a bad mood cause she is ready to shed. Anyway, even though she is my first ever garter, I love her to death just like her babies. I was wondering has anyone ever watched them shed? My favorite memory of her is when she had her first shed. I had kind of like a long bowl that she could get in. I didn't know it was time for her to shed. Then I seen her going around the bowl like in circles til she was finished. I watched her through the whole thing. When she was finished it didn't even take 5 minutes. It came out perfectly. I watched her everytime except one which came into pieces. I heard you are lucky if you even get to see it once. Is that really true? She also likes to come out of her tank a lot. We have no lid for it so she is always constantly climbing out and always comes toward me to help her down. Sometimes I just leave her. She gets on my nerves sometimes. Like if I'm reading the paper or doing something she will come out on her own and get in the way. She also likes to rub on the glass. Another thing she will do a lot is stare. She'll stay there like for 10 minutes if not more just staring right at you. Another good memory of her is a while back. I was kind of bored and didn't have nothing to do. Like always Lucifer comes out of her tank, on her own to explore. She would look around and I decided to try to scare her to see what she would do. I would move my hand back and forth like something going towards her slowly ready to grab her. Then I moved really fast to act like I was gonna grab her and she went flying. It was like she made a dive. She barely stopped herself or she would have fell off the bed. I never thought snakes could do that. So it was hilarious. Just wondering does anyone have funny or hilarious stories about what their snakes have ever done or your best memories of them?