A few years ago I had some wild caught snake infected with mites. Before I recognize it as mites I had an infestation(it doesn't take long).
If you've never had to deal with reptile mites count yourself lucky. Mites have to be treated like a contageous disease. NEVER TAKE THEM LIGHTLY. They have the ability to kill snake(especially babies) and spread other infections to your collection.
I tried many different ways to get rid of them. Soap and water. Sevin powder. "Nature's Chemestry" and a lot of prayers. The mites would appear to be gone only to return within a month or so.
For 6 months I fought the battle and lost a few babies along the way.
I then bought a can of Provent-a-mite. I followed the directions but lost a few babies after its application.
Before I go further I must tell you that Provent-a-mite in its liquid form is deadly. Once dried it is much safer.
Losing babies was very disturbing so I contacted the company. A short time after leaving a message I received a phone call from the company's owner and developer of the product.
He gave me the following advice when using the product.
First he said that most people over-use the product and waste it. A 1 second spray per square foot is all that is needed.
Second he said that people don't wait for the product to dry properly. He also said that if it's used in an aquarium or other poorly ventilated enclosure the vapors will pool and not dry as readily. He suggested that those type of enclosures should be fanned out to insure the product has dried.
This was one of the reasons I lost a few babies.
Since using this product my collection has been mite free. I highly reccommend it.
Keeping in mind it is very dangerous until it has dried.
I always keep a can on the shelf.

Pro-Products | Provent-a-Mite