Here is a story...

I was with my mom at school. We had a conference. When it was over, we missed the Metro bus. Then we were walking home. I saw a snake that got run over. It was on the sidewalk, so I'm positive that it was hit by a bike.... I felt bad for it. It was dead, so I couldn't help it or anything.

The story continues.....

We were almost home.... Guess what I saw... You already know, of course! Anyway, there was a garter snake. It was huge!

I know I said I wouldn't get anymore snakes.... But I didn't go out looking for it... It came right to me!

After I caught it... it was surprisingly calm...

So, I took it home.... And tried to feed it some nightcrawlers....

It ate right away!

By the way, it has an injury on its tail.

Now... for some pictures.....

The picture above shows a look from way above the tank, notice the side of the tank at the top.... the black bar thing that surrounds the top of the tank..

Above is a close up.

Above is another close up..

Sorry for getting my shoes in one of the pictures.

I don't know how well it can be seen... But that snake it huge!

At least for the kind around in my area...

Does it look gravid?