Hello Everybody,

I saw the welcome thread, but I'm very familiar with forums and i know to look for the areas with the most traffic and general talk is that area. My name is Luca and this is my second snake. I had a snake as a kid, but i was young and my dad took care of it more than my sister and I did. He was a brown river snake, named Hero, unfortunately he died and ever since I had wanted another snake. About ten years later i know have a baby garter snake named Smithers!!! He is pretty awesome and I love learning everything about taking care of him. He is wild and was caught in a basement after hurricane Irene. My friend found him after the storm and brought him into work to get him checked out (he works at an animal shelter). The reptile expert told him it was safe to take him in, especially with the cold weather coming. So he was given to me, and I couldn't be happier. I came across the forum while researching and knew I had to join right away. Thanks for having me, I hope to learn a lot from everyone here and make some friends.

To start off can anyone tell me exactly what kind of snake he is? Here is a picture

And here is a picture of smithers in his tank, a zoomed out version

As you can see he is still pretty small, but he has grown since i got him about 3 weeks ago, he actually shed two day ago.

Thanks for the help!