My albino checkered garter.. "she's" about 2ish months I'm guessing.. maybe a little more? :/

Last time I posted a piccture someone on here mentioned that she actually looked like a male. I bought her as a female but it's not really a big deal since I don't breed garters and males and females were the same price. So with a better pic can I get a general concensus? (:

Also, I'm not sure if it's me or if she's getting a little chunky so I'm going to post some full body pics for some input. Finally, I'm sure its normal, but are you usually able to see the dark masses of organs, food, poo, etc. through the body and belly of an albino checkered?

How is she looking size-wise for her age?


PS Zara was having a bath since she's going to be shedding in a few days (: