So I'm constantly checking kijiji for garter postings and came across a listing for "Chinese garters." I've never heard of these and after a quick google search, I realized they aren't Thamnophis, but a type of rat snake instead. However, it seems a lot of their diet/care standards are similar to Thamnophis. Here's an info sheet:

Chinese Garter Snake -

Briefly, "[t]heir main diet consists of earth worms, mollusks, small rodents, fish, crickets, strips of raw beef and garter grub." (Some of those food items seem very random.) They grow up to 3 feet and general enclosure needs seem to be the same.

Anybody have any experience with these? At 4 CB babies for $60 ($15 per snake!), I'm tempted to give them a try. I'm holding back because I have my heart set on a "real" garter . ...they have some funny looking little faces if you ask me.