I've noticed a lot of people have threads dedicated to their snakes so they don't have to keep making new threads every time one of them does something interesting, so I figured I'd go ahead and do it too.

First off, there's Houdini. He's my first snake, and he's been with me for 11 years. I got him for free when he escaped from his tank in the petstore and I caught him. He's my buddy, and I can't wait till I can have him and Harley in the same tank.

Then there's Harley. I got her this summer; she was born mid-May, so now she's a little under four months old. She's the main reason I'm starting this thread. With her growing and coloring up I'm constantly wanting to post random things about her.

This is two days after we got her

And this is her now; she refuses to hold still, so I can't tell exactly, but I'd guess maybe 8 or 9 inches long.