For the last couple of weeks Honda, my W/C female Plains garter snake(T.radix) has been off food and staying away from her group.
Checking her last night I found a dirty vent and a lump 1 inch from her vent. I've never felt a lump like this before. I was able to move it some.
It's the size of a shelled peanut. Her attitude seems subdued and withdrawn.
I gave her a warm bath this afternoon and worked with the lump. I cleaned the vent up and was able to get some musk smelling liquid out.

Which lends me to this question.
Where is the musk gland located? I don't see it in any of the anatomy pictures on the forum.
Could this also be an infection in the ovaries?
She will be seeing the Vet A.S.A.P.
Please keep her in your thoughts and prayers.