So my new baby albino checkered garter finally arrived in the mail today (:

She's tiny! Just a few inches long, and thinner than a pencil.

Once I opened up the box I noticed something right away ): Her right eye is a darkish purple/red color and there's a little black spot near the bottom. Also there's a crinkly surface to the eye.. the other eye is clear and ruby red as you would expect. I'm worried she has an injury or birth defect that could leave her blind.. at the same time I'm wondering if it's just a stuck eye cap? She doesn't have any other pieces of shed stuck on her and the dixie cup didn't have any shed skin in it so if it is an eye cap then it had to have been there before she was shipped out... I'm just a little irked that the breeder didn't mention to me anything about her eye ):

I'll post some pics and if anyone has any advice or has had similar issues


(her right eye is discolored)

(her good eye looks fine)

(blurry view of her bad eye)

(this is the image that was posted on the for sale post, her eye looks good here.. unless the photo was flipped)