Hello everyone, I'm new to snakes in general, have never had one before so i got what i have heard is a beginner snake. I got a Garter Snake! He's still a baby and I've only had him for a couple of days but i would like to make sure I have everything that everyone would recommend for them.

So first a little bit about everything:

I have gotten earth worms to feed him, he hasn't eaten yet (It's only been 2 days). He is still a baby, I'm guessing less that a year old.

In his tank i have a water bowl, large enough for him to fully be in and i have another not in the tank large enough for fish eventually.

The tank is a 5 gallon tank, kind of small but he is only a foot long or a little more. So i will eventually be getting a 10 or 20 gallon one.

The substrate I have in his tank would be sand and some larger rocks.

I have a large hid for him in the corner its just a long hollow rock.

I have a heating pad underneath that stays around 78 or 80 degrees.

I have an overhead light that i keep on during the day and turn off at night for a slight temperature variation because I had read it was good for them.

Lastly I take him out every afternoon for about an hour, and every night for about two just to let him get out of his tank, because i read that was also good for them and while he is inside his cage he seems to be very lazy and doesn't ever come out of his hide.

He is completely tame, has never musked or threatened to strike me either!

Here are some pictures of the set-up i have for him. What do you think? what am i missing, what do i need, am i making and mistakes etc. please share!!