Hi everyone! I'm new to this forum, so I hope you can help me. I found a brown snake (DeKay) a week ago and I have not had any luck feeding him. I currently have him in a 10 gallon tank with Aspen shavings (which he LOVES to hide under and peek his little head out of), some places to hide and climb, and of course, a water bowl. Temperature is not regulated currently, but it's summer and pretty warm here. Humidity in the tank is between 60 and 85 (variable). He is so sweet! Very calm, seems to like being handled and I have yet to see him nervous or "spazzed out." I just can't get him to eat. I've tried earthworms, wax worms, meal worms and small slugs (found in a pesticide-free garden). I've mostly tried feeding him outside of the tank (as I don't want him to accidentally ingest the aspen shavings), but he doesn't really like to be in a separate container (currently either a large jar or small shoebox). I'm open to any suggestions, ideas, tips, etc. on how to get him to eat (or maybe I shouldn't worry about it yet?). I will absolutely let him go back to the wild if he won't eat soon, but I think he likes his new home (maybe I'm projecting?). I'd love tips not just on diet, but also where/how to feed him. Any tips appreciated!