Hello, I'm a 22 year old bio major for Chelsea MA, I've always loved snakes and reptiles in general and a few days ago I decided it was about time I got myself one for a pet. I opted for a garter snake for a few reasons. One, familiarity, when I was little I used to catch them in my yard and while I could never keep them I loved playing with them. Two, I won't have to buy it, I see them all the time in my yard so all I have to do is keep the next one I find. Three, my mother is deathly afraid of snakes so a smaller variety is less likely to give her a stroke.

Since my past experience with garters was rather tragic, (I tried to keep them in containers outside but they would always die on me.) I wanted to make sure to do my homework before attempting to keep another one as a pet. So that's essentially how I found myself here, I'm looking forward to learning from your experiences and possibly contributing myself in some small way. I have a lot of other interests, as you might guess from my sn and my profile pic I'm very interested in the roman empire and ancient civilizations in general, (I already have an idea what I'm going to name my snake when I catch him or her, Tiamat for a girl, Quetzalcoatl for a boy.) I don't really listen to much music, (shocking I know, given my age) but I do like other stereotypical internet young person things, (anime, southpark, adultswim, ect.)

I'm also a semi political junky, history nut, science nut, and generally interested in obscure or controversial subjects that I'm prudent enough not to bring up without prompting.

Hope that wasn't too long or descriptive of a hello, anyway, nice to be here.