When I renovated Houdini's enclosure for the summer I was hoping to see some sort of change in his activity levels, and I'm very excited that even after just a week or two I have noticed big changes in his behavior!
His previous enclosure had nothing really in it, and he spent a lot of his time just curled up in a corner. Also, even though he was handled fairly often, he was typically very jumpy.
Now he is usually in a different place every time I walk into the room, so I can tell he's being a lot more active than previously. Also, this is more likely to be a result of him being handled a lot more since I've been home than the change of scenery, but he's much calmer now. In fact, recently, he's been content to just lay draped over my shoulders or in my lap for a while as I'm doing work, reading, or whatever. He even drank water while I was holding him the other day, which he's never done before.

I know these things are probably typical, but the change has just been very noticeable and I thought it'd be interesting to share.