It’s unbelievable how quickly this forum has taken off. Sometimes up to 3 new members join in a single day, but lately I’ve noticed up to 17 guests viewing at a time. It’s only through more and more members and greater participation that we’ll be able to find new ideas and refine different techniques. It would be great if we routinely had more members viewing than guests. Daniel recently mentioned that many of Europe’s top breeders came together to share their knowledge within the EGSA, and as a result husbandry and welfare of garters have vastly improved.

Please take this as an invitation to the many people who passively read each day’s posts to join the forum and help to improve it (and our collective knowledge). Please share your unique techniques, offer second and third opinions, or ask the questions that stimulate discussion. Actively participate in the learning process, and offer new and different points-of-view.

This is a powerful medium that we’re using, but it can be more if we work together to stimulate and exchange fresh ideas. Many of the heavy hitters in the garter snake world have yet to be heard from and are, no doubt, smiling behind their monitors as they read this . Let's hear from you. The winter will pass quicker, and next spring will be a very prosperous one for us all. Best regards,