I'm glad you decided not to do it.
When you post something asking for advice people are going to give you advice to the best of their knowledge. Even if it disagrees with what you mentioned, it wasn't a personal attack.

Quote Originally Posted by PINJOHN View Post
i personally don't think in most cases taking a hundred tadpoles out of a large lake would do any lasting damage, i cannot remember the statistic but i know that frogs/toads lay so many eggs/spawn because only one makes it to adult hood from x hundred tadpoles, nature has to some degree made tadpoles disposable,
That's correct, but taking large numbers of tads out of an ecosystem isn't the primary concern with frogs at the moment, it's transporting frogs from one area to another. Many species (especially some of the tougher American ones) can act as carriers for some pretty nasty diseases for quite awhile without showing symptoms themselves.
In some of the forums I participate in I've seen people get verbally flayed alive for saying they caught a toad in one area and released it in their yard. I think that particular reaction is a bit extreme, but the concern is definitely there.