My large pregnant blue Puget Sound female, didn't shed the second half of her skin last time (last Wednesday). I wasn't to worried about it, it's happened before. She usually gets it off within a week. Well today I noticed her bottom part near her cloaca was upside down which was strange, so I went in for another look. Upon taking a closer look I noticed that she seemed to a mass near the cloaca, and after pulling her out it looked like she passed stool but it didn't make it past the second skin. I immediately pulled her out and put her in about half an inch of water in a second container. I pulled all of her excess skin off and looked at it. She was a little squirmy but was limp when I messed with her second half of her body. After letting her soak I was able to pull a Q-tip sized solid rock out of her cloaca, and it wasn't closing. I also felt where the babies were and could feel them moving, at least that's what it felt like.