I got a request for this on a other forum, but hey, why not share it with you guys!
This picture has been on my website for quite some time now...

Picture taken today...

There are three compartments in the room, every compartment is roughly 3x3(m) and houses 12 enclosures of 90x40x40 cm. Six enclosures have been converted in three bigger enclosures of 90x80x40. These house the diamondpythons and a bachelorgroup of garters. All are heated with a 25 watt light (except the diamonds, they've got 60watt, UV and normal lighting)
The green stickers mean there's a gravid girl (or girls...) in the enclosure...

My decoration is basic.... Baskingspot which acts as hindingplace, hay in the corner for hiding, small waterdish, some fake green plants... a bit of wood for the looks of it and cocopeat/riversand as bedding.

Thats all for now I guess!