Quote Originally Posted by Spankenstyne View Post
Often it's just natures way, especially with babies it can be tough. You did all you could. We can't possibly know if they were properly developed internally or just genetically weaker or any other host of reasons. You can only do your best, sorry about your loss.

I don't know if you house the babies together or not? I house mine together & find it can sometimes help get them eating as they'll see others doing it and then they're all in there. Becomes sort of a pack mentality. (bite sized food only though, don't want any accidents) After a couple of meals any ones that appear weaker/smaller or not eating I will separate out and house individually until they get eating regularly and put on some size. It's worked well for the few litters of Checkereds i've had & might be something to consider if you have trouble feeders.
Yeah I house them together, they seem to like hanging out in one spot in a clump, the tank is warm enough but I think they like it warmer lol. Last year I had 10 that I was able to work with, so I've got most of tge housing and feeding down pat.
One of them last year would only feed on guppies, and well after about 7 months or so I finally got it to eat full pinkies.