Well after work today I decided to go top up the car before the Easter weekend, It took me maybe about 45 minutes extra before I got home. I come home and I briefly look into the tank where Helga (my very pregnant girl) is located. I look in and guess what!!!?? Babies!!! and lots.
Last year i only got 4 babies from her, this year I got 11 babies and 1 jelly (I have never seen a jelly, but there was this jelly white thing in a clump).
She gave birth to 4 nice regular checkereds (one being lighter colored and I'm hoping it ends up as a male and I plan on keeping that one, it also was the last one born because it was still just getting out of it's sack) and 7 Albino's.
I had to help 2 or 3 with their first shed, but other then that they all seemed perfectly healthy.
Please correct me if I'm wrong but now that they've all had their first shed there ready and waiting to eat?

Anyway here's some pix that i snapped