Hello all, new to this forum.

I am planning to purchase 1, maybe 2 Garter Snakes. I have had a Ball Python for 3 years and would really like to get a more outgoing display snake as well.

Have already ordered a custom built cage, 36" x 18" x 14" and deciding if 1 or two garters would be best. Would of course buy two similar sized individuals, may end up with 2 hatchlings as do to "geograhical challenges" my purchase options are limited.

Is two a good idea? Also....I do not want any babies, sounds like Garters are easy keepers and if I end up with a Male and Female I worry about the possibility. Can I trust most knowledgeable Reptile dealers to sex them? I live in a very small town but fortunately have one of the best herp vets in the state here, and I know I could have them probed but that is not an option as by then I will have already purchased two.