Quote Originally Posted by Stefan-A View Post
Right now, I feel like if I ever go large scale, it will have to be with a small arboreal species of reptile. Small size to keep down the volume of feces and arboreal to keep the animal well clear of the substrate. I can imagine it working perfectly well with something like climbing species of gecko or anoles. If I were to use it for snakes, I'd make sure the enclosure would be far larger than the minimum recommended for the species.

It worked great for the short time I used it, but having had time to think about it, I have no doubt that without a proper fauna of decomposers, I would have run into trouble sooner or later.
I was thinking the same things ^^^ Didn't want to sound discouraging so I didn't say anything but I just wouldn't try it. If it doesn't work out like it should, the health of your animal is at stake. I'd rather not take that gamble. Seems too high a risk for skin and respiratory infections.