I didn't really know where to put this but I haven't seen this sort of behaviour and I figured it would be nice to ask about it. Ever since I took Snakey out of Mama's enclosure, he's stopped eating, he's lethargic and just lays around really. This is really unlike how Snakey normally is. He hasn't eaten in 3 weeks, but he still has quite a bit of mass on his body, so I'm not worried. He gets active when I open the tank, rub his back or pick him up, but as soon as my hand leaves the tank he immediately goes back to being depressed seeming. His eyes are even a bit darker. I might be over-reacting to this, but since it's extremely unusual for him to be like that I figured 'd ask what you thought it was. It does seem to me like he's depressed. I cant keep him with Mama, he courts with her and she gets really pissy and bites at him. I'd like to know what it might be so I can figure out what I should do for him.

Also, don't say I'm just worrying too much... I know I am. I just know he's completely opposite of how he usually is.