My girlfriend on monday Feb 7th at 12:21pm EST gave birth to our 9lb 7oz baby boy, he was 20.5" long. There were some bumps along the way as she had a high blood pressure problem (pre aclampsia) {the spelling is wrong but I'm too tired to care} So she was on meds to keep her blood pressure low, and a iv drip med to bring her seizure level tolerance up. after all that everything when ok, she got the epidural so pain wasn't too bad.
Baby is ok and (Nathaniel William Huizenga) is healthy, momma gave up on breast feeding (as it was painful for her at the time) so he's been on formula, which is going well so far. Unfortunately momma and baby are still at hospital over night again tonight because momma's blood pressure was still high, she was given meds again and hopefully tomorrow they'll both be able to come home.