Tried something new today with Silv. I went to the pet store and got a few medium sized feeder guppies. I killed one (squishing its head in between my fingers), picked up Silv, wrapped him around my fingers to hold onto him and held his head. Then, starting with the tail end, I shoved the fish in his mouth... I started by just slipping the tail into his mouth to get it open a bit and I kind of crammed the fish back into his throat.

He was less than pleased. He didn't musk or bite or honestly even wiggle that much, but he kept trying to pull his head away. I did this oh, 5 or 6 times? We were both covered in fish scales as the little guppy started falling apart. At one point I had pretty much the whole fish back there, with the head of the fish almost all the way inside his mouth, hoping that he would eventually swallow it. No such luck - every time he spit the darn thing back out. Ugh.

I am starting to wonder what the extent of his injuries was. Perhaps somehow the swallowing reflex arc was damaged..? I mean you would think he might eventually swallow the fish when it was so far in his throat.. but no.

Anyway, the other fish are happily swimming around for now until I decide what to do with them. I am thinking I may try killing and just leaving them on a lid in the main cage. Of course, I have about zero hope he will eat them, but may as well give it a go.

I have washed my hands like 5 times now and my fingers still smell like fish. Oh the things I have done for this silly little snake..